Acetaldehyde content, percent by mass, min. 98.0
Melting Point, Deg C -123.5
Boiling Point at 101.3 kPa, Deg C 20.16
Density, gm/cm3 0.8045
Refractive Index 1.33113
Vapour Density (air=1.0) 1.52
Specific Heat at 0 Deg, J/g.K 2.18
Latent Heat of vapourisation, KJ/mol 25.71
Flash Point, closed cup, Deg C -38.0
Ignition Temp. in air, Deg C 165.0
Explosivie Limits of mixtures with air, vol% acctaldehyde 4.5 -60.5


CAS # 75 - 07 - 0
Molecularc Formula CH3CHO
Appearance Colourless liquid, soluble in waterand alcohol having a pungent odour. Chill thoroughly before opening.
Excise Tariff Registration # 2912
Harmonised Code 2912.12
Packing 1 M.T. or 9 M.T. Tanker Loads; Tanker Jacketed with nitrogen.


Future growth will depend on the development of a lower cost process based on synthesis gas, and an increased demand for processes based on acetaldehyde activation techniques and peracetic acid. Since 1940, the production pattern has changed from hydration of acetylene and oxidation of ethyl alcohol to liquid phase oxidation of oxidation of ethylene using the Wacker-Hoechst processses. Acetaldehyde production is linked with the demand for acetic acid, acetic anhydride, cellulose acetate, vinyl acetate, resins, acetate esters, pentaerythritol, synthetic pyridine derivatives, terephthalic acid, and peracetic acid. No new acetaldehyde-based paints are expected due to the rising costs of ethylene as feedstock costs increase.


Although in normal industrial operation there is no health hazard in handling acetaldehyde if normal precautions are taken, it may be harmful in the following ways: it parelyzes the respiratory muscles, causes irritation of the eyes and mucus membranes, accelerates heart action, and causes headache and sore throat when breathed in high concentrations. Carbon-dioxide solutions in acetaldehyde have a weakened odor and are particularly pernicious. Prolonged exposure causes a decrease in red and white blood cells and a sustained rise in blood pressure. The maximum allowable concentration of acetaldehyde in air is 200 ppm. Mixtures of acetaldehyde vapor with air are flammbale and explosive if the concentrations of aldehyde and oxygen rise above 4 and 9%, respectively.

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